Thursday, August 30

leaving on a jet plane

for our plan to make moving across the country with a baby easier, Dean and I flew to Florida while Tom drove our stuff. we packed and packed the week before Dean and I left and then Tom packed everything into our moving truck (with the help of my male family members and his Dad). the flight is just over 4 hours and I was really nervous about flying with a baby (especially when that baby can cry as loud as he does). flying these days is not much fun, but I have to tell you, this time was different. since the flight wasn't full, Dean was able to have his own seat and I was able to bring his carseat onto the plane! we were also moved to the second row back from first class. thank you American Airlines! 

Dean did great on the flight! he didn't really cry at all, just fussed a little when he was tired. mostly he spent his time playing toys, enjoying his own seat on the plane and looking around at everyone. I took everyone's advice and nursed him during takeoff so he didn't have ear discomfort. fortunately for me, when he wanted to sleep he was lulled into it by the airplane's movements on my lap. I was worried I would be the crazy-lady-with-the-crying-baby in the aisle the whole flight. I even snapped a couple pictures of myself (I got bored okay?) and enjoyed half of the in-flight movie whilst Dean slept.

now we're here in Miami, trying to survive any tropical storms (Isaac!) or hurricanes headed our way. and Dean's other grandparents are enjoying soaking up the newfound time they have with him...

1 comment:

Thomas Chambers said...

I'm so glad you had such a fun flight with my pup! Dean takes care of you while I'm away. You're the best person in the world! I love you more than anything!

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