Saturday, November 24

knaus berry farm

when Tom and I were engaged and I came to miami for a couple weeks before our wedding, some of Tom's friends wanted to go to a place called knaus berry farm. if you've ever been to southern california (like myself) you might think they were talking about knott's berry farm, which is indeed a theme park. I was SO confused the first time we went, believing we were going to a theme park, and instead showing up at a little farm/bakery in the middle of nowhere. 

my disappointment was soon over after I tasted the delicious baked goods they make. the farm and bakery is a place that is run by people who look amish, but they are actually dunkers, a german-origin church. they are only open november through april each year, so we took advantage and got ourselves some cinnamon rolls, herb sticks, shakes and a cheesecake. so good!


Tyler and Ariana said...

Let's just pretend I'm NOT obnoxiously commenting on every single post you've written recently. Because, yeah, I am. But not to be obnoxious.

When I saw the title of this post, I definitely thought you guys had gone to a theme park too. Haha. Awesome.

Arianne said...

Ariana, I love your comments! you're the only one who does! haha.

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