Wednesday, July 21

School's Out for Summer

You heard it right- only two more days (and only one more final) until I'm free from this semester. I'm so excited! Tom and I are meeting up with my family at the beach, then flying to Miami to spend a month with his family...soaking up the sun. I can't wait for the welcome break and opportunity to slooooooooow down. It will be glorious- I've already ordered a book off E-Bay to read! I'm going to read a normal, non-texbook, book. And, I'm going to swim in the Pacific AND Atlantic oceans this Summer. It's going to be the best summer ever. I plan to make movies of our adventures, once I figure out how to convert the video files from our flip-cam to something that I can edit.

Basically, I CAN'T wait!

1 comment:

The Chambers said...

YAY! High five on finishing out the semester! It seems never ending, but is SOOO worth it. It sounds like you have some fun plans ahead of you at. the. BEACH! Jealous! I look forward to lots of pictures or your summer vacation!

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